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How can I change the order of the appearance for a field's records on an interface page?

The field shows a linked table's records for a contact (calls made), and I'm using show as = 'Field' and style = 'Cards'. Here's a picture of it:

I want the newest to show above the older ones, adding to the older ones when entering new records.

I had this working already, and can't remember how I did it. After a sudden change yesterday (don't know what happened, all of the sudden the field's appearance changed completely), I can't get it back 😢.



PS. Is there a way not to show the record's primary field in the listing? There's is too much information, it clutters the UI. I'd like to select myself what to show there. Thought I had this also working before the sudden change, but of course I have no screen shots aved so I'm not sure...


Hey there! 

I would suggest to choose show as 'view' instead of 'field'. This way you can sort the way you want and you can also choose to not show the primary field. 

Hope this helps. 

All the best, 

Hey there! 

I would suggest to choose show as 'view' instead of 'field'. This way you can sort the way you want and you can also choose to not show the primary field. 

Hope this helps. 

All the best, 

Thank you @JuniorL!

I have before preferred not to use that, since I have found it ugly 😉. But apparently that was what I had used now, I just forgot about it since I thought it was, well... ugly. But it as it turns out, it's not all ugly now 😄.



You're welcome, happy to help!

I actually love using show as 'view' for linked records. It gives you so much possibilities for new workflows within record details pages.  

Have a nice weekend! 
