I've done a lot of searching and tried a variety of suggestions but I can't get this to work. I'm trying to make the viewing of record details in an interface very intuitive for the user. Here is what I've tried:
1. Button Field URL Formula:
CONCATENATE("https://airtable.com/appxxxxxxx/pagxxxxxxxx" & RECORD_ID())
CONCATENATE("https://airtable.com/appxxxxxx/pagxxxxxx?detail=" & RECORD_ID())
2. Created a URL field that contains variations of the URL shown above in #1, along with a Button field that references that field in the formula.
3. I found some information that suggested how to get the URL of the record detail view in an interface, but the format of the URL looks nothing like what is posted. This is the format I read that I'd find when I got the URL of a detailed record view:
but this is what I get instead:
I am not using a synced table, so I don't have the Open Record option for a button. The closest I've gotten is that the interface opens the record detail, but also opens a new browser tab that shows the table itself. I would greatly appreciate help with solving this!