I'm reaching out for help on Interface Design ---> How can I add an editable checklist into my Interface? I keep running into problems (outlined below). If there's a simple way to add a checklist of, for example, 10 items, with an editable checkbox by each one that would be great.
Attempt 1: Use the "checklist" markdown formatting in a text box. While I am editing, I can check/uncheck boxes, however, when I publish the Interface and attempt to change the checkboxes in the live interface, I can no longer edit them. (Meaning, only "editors" can check/uncheck boxes, but normal Interface users cannot). This is the feature that uses the checkbox in a text list instead of a bullet or dash.
Attempt 2: Inserting a "checkbox" field into the interface as an element. I figured I could just insert the checkbox from a "checkbox" column into the Interface, but the formatting doesn't work. If I use the default label, it will only sit above the text box (making a "list" view unable to work), or I can remove the default label and make my own using a textbox but the line spacing and formatting doesn't work.
Attempt 3: Embedding a "Grid View" of a table with the checkbox column viewable and editable. This may work, however, it seems to defeat the purpose of the Interface if I'm just embedding the standard data view to get this functionality.
Context: The interface is setup as a "Record Review" format. The sidebar on the left are Events that my organization has hosted, and the interface is a means for us to track all of the tasks needed for each event. I want to add a checklist to each event so that all team members can see and update the status of the tasks.
TIA for any help you're able to provide!