Hello Brian,
You need to start with a dasboard interface:

Then, remove all preset objects to end up with this:

Click "Add Chart", you will then have access to multi-axes charts:

Hello Brian,
You need to start with a dasboard interface:

Then, remove all preset objects to end up with this:

Click "Add Chart", you will then have access to multi-axes charts:

Thanks Pascal,
My notes for other viewers. Very poor implementation from airtable.
First, this is not an improvement to their chart object in general, but the chart object available ONLY on Dashboard. So if you start with a Blank interface and start adding charts to it, it will NOT be available.. Weird.
Secondly, and more importantly, this is not a true dual axis chart, where you can choose a separate field to chart against another field, but rather this only offers some aggregate options against the first (or left) Y value such as Average, Min, Max, etc.
IMHO it is a misrepresentation to state that this chart is a dual y-axis chart.
As much as I love airtable, they continue to baffle me with how limited their BI capabilities are. It's extremely limiting. Furthermore, even when they've allowed 3rd party chart extensions to be added (such as Vega-lite), these are not available on dashboards AND they don't support the full capabilities of Vega-lite (such as dual y-axis!!!). Come on Airtable!!! Support us in being able to actually report on the data in a meaningful way. You don't need to lead in BI, but please don't lag soooo much.
Hello Brian,
Airtable is not a BI tool indeed.
This being said, I do not get your point when you say that it is not a true dual axis chart; Here is a screenshot to illustrate:

X axis displays car makers
Left y axis is the number of videos of each car maker represented as blue bars
Right y axis is the number of car models of each car maker represented as red dots.
hence I do have two different numeric fields displayed in the graph.
Did I miss something?
I agree with you, Brian, regarding the implantation being very poor and limited.
Why can't we access these new chart functionalities across all of our interfaces?