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Is there a setting to only receive notifications if someone is "@" ?

Currently seems like in our interface, once you get an "@", you are permanently watching that comment thread for all future comments. we do NOT want that. so ...


  1. Is there a setting to only be notified if you are "@" in that specific comment? 
  2. OR ... is there a way to unwatch the comments from interface?
  3. OR ... is there an automation or API to constantly run to unwatch comments?
  4. OR ... a script to unfollow?


We noticed this as well - in an interface, there doesn't seem to be a way to toggle to 'not watching' if a user has been incorrectly tagged to a record or @-mentioned. 

A year after you posted this and no change. It’s made notifications unusable. So many comments…. 

we are able to click settings to view comments vs revision history vs all now... so surely making the little button to follow/unfollow comments can be added as well @AlexLama @Rosalind_Lutsky @Kelly_OShaughne ?

we've got a drive to have people use interfaces and its making communication impossible with never ending notifications after they participated once.

and while we are at it, there should be a user setting to auto-follow after they participate in discussion or only get notifications when they are mentioned.

Hey @matt_stewart1 -- we have a project in the works to enable follow/unfollow comments on Interfaces. Stay tuned!

Hey @matt_stewart1 -- we have a project in the works to enable follow/unfollow comments on Interfaces. Stay tuned!

This will bring great happiness to many of our users!!!  Can not wait!!!


Hey @matt_stewart1 -- we have a project in the works to enable follow/unfollow comments on Interfaces. Stay tuned!

Please, please please also include Automations in this. I have a couple automations that fail regularly "on purpose" that clog up my notifications as well/ 
