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Hey Airtable Peeps!

I’m about a month into the process of migrating most of my company’s core google sheet docs into Airtable, and we’re all loving it! Many things for such an awesome product.

I’m building out some Interface Designer dashboards for my boss to get a high-level view of operations, and ran into a snag. In the sidebar apps on the table it defaults to sorting single-select fields by their user order, which is the behavior that I want. This is what it looks like:

But on my interface, I created a bar chart that shows each record filtered by a single-select column, but my only sort options are ascending/descending alphabetical.

So this is a two-part question:

  1. Feature Request: The option to sort charts driven by single-select fields by user order.

  2. Workaround: In leu of that, how would you recommend I sort this (without just adding a number to the names, that would break several other formulas).



100% Unhelpful, self indulgent bump comment. :winking_face:

Agree 100% - Interface is a great concept and it’s so close to being production-ready. That it sorts the data alphabetically rather than how it’s ordered in the table seems like a strange oversight and hopefully it’s at the top of the list of items to be fixed. Once it is, we can go live with Interface with some of our clients and internal partners.

This is really needed!  We are trying to build pipeline views and there is no way to just show them based on the status order, I'm having to make a giant switch formula to show status as a number so we can sort them which is a pain! 

Hi! We just added the ability to sort based on select choice ordering to bar charts in interface designer! Now in addition to "Ascending" and "Descending", there should be a "Select choices" option. Let us know if that helps simplify some of your workflows!

Hi! We just added the ability to sort based on select choice ordering to bar charts in interface designer! Now in addition to "Ascending" and "Descending", there should be a "Select choices" option. Let us know if that helps simplify some of your workflows!

@ruihanzhao - I'm sure it's straight forward, but is there any documentation on how this is supposed to work?  I don't see any change when I set the sort to "Select choices".

@fred_b If you select "Select choices", the X-axis values should now be in the order in which the select choices were added. For example, here the X-axis would be ordered" "Improvement", "Needs QA", "Design", then "Engineering"

@fred_b If you select "Select choices", the X-axis values should now be in the order in which the select choices were added. For example, here the X-axis would be ordered" "Improvement", "Needs QA", "Design", then "Engineering"

Thanks!   Works perfectly.

Hi @ruihanzhao , I can't use "Select choices" if the main field is "Name" or "Number" etc. It's just working with Status I think. Could you please help me with this?

Hi @maliyassi "Select choices" are only available for "Single select" fields and lookup of "Single select" fields as that sort is based on the order of the select choices entered during the field configuration

Hi @maliyassi "Select choices" are only available for "Single select" fields and lookup of "Single select" fields as that sort is based on the order of the select choices entered during the field configuration

Thanks for this insight. So, is it possible to rearrange your select options under 'customize field' and have the order represented, or do you have to input the select options in the correct order the first time?

@Frank_Gannon1 You can rearrange the select options (there should be drag handles) and the ordering should be reflected! 
