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Hello, does anyone know if it is possible to design an interface based on a Record Picker where there is a field that is only visible if a precondition is given in another field?
For example:
I create a new entry where I relate that entry to a value in another table. Then I look at the value of a Lookup field and if the value is "xx" the the field is visible in that interface, and if it is not "xx" this field is invisible.

Maybe there is no solution for this... But thanks in advance!


Hi there! Currently, conditional fields are only available in interfaces using the form layout. A way to set conditional fields in the record details would be a great addition to the product. I encourage you to post this idea in the Product Ideas section as I am sure others might be looking for similar functionality.

Hi there! Currently, conditional fields are only available in interfaces using the form layout. A way to set conditional fields in the record details would be a great addition to the product. I encourage you to post this idea in the Product Ideas section as I am sure others might be looking for similar functionality.

Thank's. I'll do. 😊

But after researching more. What I really need is to be able to add look_up fields to the form view. So then I can show the field just in the case that the look_up value fits some condition.

