
Re: Interface - formatting is not maintained while copy/pasting + screen jumps up

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Whenever I try to copy/paste formatted text (eg bold) in a long text field within an Interface, whenever the long text field is long enough across the screen, it makes my screen jump to the beginnen of that field AND it forgets the formatting (bold will become plain text when paste). This is very annoying and happens when I copy/past from outside AT to that field, but even when I copy/past with text within the field.

Anyone else got this issue?

Mailed to support in April about this. They confirmed it needed a fix, but nothing so far...

3 Replies 3
5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

We are experiencing the same inconvenient issue while trying to build internal company tools. Things like this definitely make it harder to get team buy-in as we begin using Airtable company-wide.

This is the most recent reply I got from support:

[...] I know that there have been a lot of moving parts with this, and while I do not have the definite answer we'd have hoped to share by now, I did reach out to our engineers yesterday on your behalf asking for insight into the progress made on this issue. I'm hoping to hear back shortly if we can bump up the priority on this at all, and I will let you know if I hear a date announced.

I absolutely hear you that this would seem to be a quick fix, though from what I'm hearing, there are a lot of other aspects intertwined with this on the backend, and coupled with the list of other aspects to address, this has unfortunately not been given a firm date for a fix (yet). Though, I did want to touch base and let you know that it is still on our radar and logged for our engineers.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

So I still got this annoying bug 👎 Anyone else?