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I have an interface set up showing our contacts and associated interactions with them. There are two levels of hierarchy. At the top (Level 2) is "People" and under that is Level 1 "Interactions". These levels are linked by a common Interactions column. I've enabled the download .csv option.

However, the resulting .csv file only reflects the shown information on the "Interactions" level (level 1) and shows none of the info from "People (Level 2). What am I doing wrong?

To help illustrate, my Interface List could look like the one outlined below, but in the .csv file, only the info related to interactions will show up (with the correct corresponding column names).

^ Person A Name              Person A Email   
       Interaction Name            Interaction Type            Interaction Date
       Interaction Name            Interaction Type            Interaction Date

^ Person B Name              Person B Email
       Interaction Name            Interaction Type            Interaction Date

^ Person C Name              Person C Email
       Interaction Name            Interaction Type            Interaction Date

New to AirTable and would appreciate any feedback! Thank you.

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