See "Option #2" on this post. I believe an Interface would be much more suitable for this use case than a view.
I did build an interface, that screenshot is of an interface. The visibility option is for a specific field in the interface.
Sorry for failing to use my eyes there. You're right.
So if for the element you're using to display the records, you change the condition to be:
-Where [Instructor Collaborator] has any of [Current User]
Would that have the desired effect?
See "Option #2" on this post. I believe an Interface would be much more suitable for this use case than a view.
That's exactly what I did:

Close up of the field's Visibility settings. It doesn't work correctly, everyone can still see the fields.
Sorry for failing to use my eyes there. You're right.
So if for the element you're using to display the records, you change the condition to be:
-Where [Instructor Collaborator] has any of [Current User]
Would that have the desired effect?

Setting to current user has a worse affect.Not even previewing as Ed doesn't show his field.

Setting to current user has a worse affect.Not even previewing as Ed doesn't show his field.
I replicated this in a quick test.
After publishing it followed the rules and I think the issue is with the preview.

If I "View as" someone else it still doesn't show the field. But when I navigate to my user it works so I would expect it to work for the other user as well.
Sadly, it's not working at all. I've tried other methods like creating separate collab fields, and then in the interface trying to assign the collab field as current user, but the collab field isn't available. Very frustrating for something so simple.

Adding to this for visibility, as I'd love this functionality.
I'd like it more for an 'admin' view so certain users can see more buttons / info that could potentially be clicked by accident by a general user - Applying record templates, etc.