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I attended the advanced app building webinar this week (shoutout to the excellent host, Jen Johnson!!) and noticed this new visualization option in interfaces: swimlanes. Is this something that is coming soon? I don't see this option available on my end as an enterprise user. Super excited if it is coming, as it looked awesome in the demo!


Hi @Ash11 this would be a revolution for me if this is implemented correctly. Do you have any screenshot of the actual swim lane map?

hey is this implemented?


Hi @Ash11 this would be a revolution for me if this is implemented correctly. Do you have any screenshot of the actual swim lane map?

Only the screenshot above, unfortunately! There may be a posted recording of that webinar on Airtable Academy though.

hey is this implemented?


Nothing yet on the Enterprise account ☹

Nothing yet on the Enterprise account ☹

This would be great.  My work around / prototype is a bit clunky when the process has a lot of decisions

Hi have you seen any updates on this @ashley_24 ? 

Hi @ashley_24 any updates on this please? 


Hi @ashley_24 any updates on this please? 


I attended one of the onboarding office hour sessions and recall that they said only a certain group might have access. It was a bit confusing so I'd recommend attending one of those and asking to learn more.
