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I believe this will be a fairly common request and it’s something I noticed right off the bat when designing a dashboard interface for one of my “aggregation tables” for an e-commerce store that’s being fed data from Shopify.

Use Case: New Customers vs. Churned Customers in a given Cohort Year

Currently, it seems I have to create two separate charts, like so…

Ideally, I would like to lay these two charts “on top of each other.” They’re both drawing data from the same table, so the X-Axis is the same. The Y-Axis is just 2 different columns’ values in the same table & rows.

+1... seems pretty obvious that this functionality would help transition entire data dashboards from other solutions like power BI, tableau, etc. to AT Interfaces. I've dabbled a lot with data these last 5 years but I love the ease of use & automations that AT provides. 

Unfortunately, this limitation forces me to download the data through AT's API with python,
then either inject it in a google sheet or build a custom streamlit app in python to visualize it the way I want.

More EDA features would definitely give AT an extra edge I believe... nothing their engineers can't tackle.

+1, can't believe this is not a thing yet

Another +1 for this... I'm loving AT for so many reasons, and this is the BIGGEST hole in the capabilities. Please, do a sprint for this and give us multi-series charts, please please please!  

I have wanted this feature for a while now. The charts are not nearly advanced enough. The functionality hasn’t been touched since they launched extensions years ago. 

I like Airtable, but it seems as though they do something new, usually quite polished, but then move onto another new thing rather than refine what they’ve already got.

I am also needing this!


+1 for this!

Another vote for this feature. It is stopping me from using interfaces to solve my reporting problems.

Adding my name to the mix here. Echoing all the previous comments. This is really basic (and valuable) functionality that makes me reconsider even using AirTable. Dashboards was one of the features that sold me on AT initially. But this limitation is making me reconsider. 

Really need this!

+1 multiple Ys would mean so much!

While we await the aggregation feature, I wanted to share my workaround. I created a separate table linked to the primary data source, containing a record for each X/Y axis combination with a summary column.



I really want this solution as well.

Whats confusing about this is that in their releases, Airtable claims to have released features for this but I'm not seeing them. Look at "Multiple series and dual y-axes in charts" in July 2024. Maybe it needs to be under a newer interface page type but I'm not able to take a standard chart and do this.


EDIT: I figured it out! You have to select "Dashboard" type when generating a new page. It works!

I really want this solution as well.

Whats confusing about this is that in their releases, Airtable claims to have released features for this but I'm not seeing them. Look at "Multiple series and dual y-axes in charts" in July 2024. Maybe it needs to be under a newer interface page type but I'm not able to take a standard chart and do this.


EDIT: I figured it out! You have to select "Dashboard" type when generating a new page. It works!

Thanks for sharing! Much appreciated,

I really want this solution as well.

Whats confusing about this is that in their releases, Airtable claims to have released features for this but I'm not seeing them. Look at "Multiple series and dual y-axes in charts" in July 2024. Maybe it needs to be under a newer interface page type but I'm not able to take a standard chart and do this.


EDIT: I figured it out! You have to select "Dashboard" type when generating a new page. It works!

Thanks for this. SUPER helpful. Was trying to get this feature in the "Blank" slate interface. Using "Dashboard" as a template makes this a lot easier.

While we await the aggregation feature, I wanted to share my workaround. I created a separate table linked to the primary data source, containing a record for each X/Y axis combination with a summary column.



Hi! Can you share directions for how you did this? Specifically, the filters on the interface?
