Correct. Currently each interface button element that calls an interface must have its own automation.
A workaround is to trigger the automation based on a data change, such as setting a hidden single select. You can then have different update record button elements that change the single select, which triggers the automation. You loose the toast that says the automation is started, but the automation will run just the same. You will also need to adjust the automation to reset the hidden single select’s value.
Okay will do that. Don't understand that limitation to be honest. The button simply passes the current record. Rather than attaching the button to interfaces buttons should be attached to tables...
@Konrad_Schafers and @kuovonne, stumbled upon this when searching for something else. FYI, to me it seems one can nowadays connect several buttons to one automation.
@Konrad_Schafers and @kuovonne, stumbled upon this when searching for something else. FYI, to me it seems one can nowadays connect several buttons to one automation.
Björn, thanks for the update.
Björn, thanks for the update.
You're most welcome!