Yes, I am experiencing the same exact bug with 100% of my forms.
Linked record fields are currently broken on all of my forms, if I am trying to select any record except the very first record from a linked record field that is limited by a view.
It works just fine for normal linked record fields that aren’t limited by a view.
The view selection is where the bug lives.
Be sure to report this as a bug to
In the meantime, you can quickly rebuild your forms for 100% free with Fillout’s advanced forms for Airtable, and that should hopefully hold you over until Airtable fixes this bug.
Fillout is an advanced form replacement for Airtable that offers dozens of features that Airtable’s native forms don’t offer, including dynamic linked record filters (i.e. dynamic dropdown selections), the ability to update Airtable records from a form, the ability to accept payments on forms, the ability to have multi-page forms with conditional paths, the ability to create new linked records on a form, the ability to display Airtable lookup fields & Airtable rollup fields & Airtable attachments & formulas on forms, visually displaying as many fields as you want to see in a linked record selection list (including attachment fields), limiting the number of linked records that can be chosen, and much more.
I give a brief demonstration of Fillout on this episode of the BuiltOnAir Podcast:
p.s. If you need to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with any of this, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consulting — ScottWorld
The bug was solved by Airtable. Now everything is working correctly!
Wow, that was quick! Great to hear! And yes, it’s working again for me as well!
Wow, that was quick! Great to hear! And yes, it’s working again for me as well!
The trouble is back again😥
Yep, the bug is back. 100% of my forms are broken. Be sure to report this to, and you can use Fillout in the meantime.
The bug is is happening even when not filtering records and also when manually linking directly from the base. Oddly, I can link in the reverse order (Linking from the target record).