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I need urgent help, yall - all of a sudden a List-based Interface page won't filter.  Here's the deal:

I created the List layout in Interface, set my table to Tasks, configured all the visible fields and sorting options.  I want to add a dropdown for the Project Category field which is a lookup field in my tasks table.  The base structure looks like this:

Projects > Milestones > Tasks

So I lookup the project via the milestone in the task table and use that for the dropdown in the layout.

This has worked for the last 10 days I've been using it.  Today it doesn't work.  Choosing an option in the dropdown doesn't affect my list at all.

I have also used the built-in filter option to do the same filter and it doesn't work either.

Filtering in the base itself works exactly as expected and the other Interface page filter options all work as expected.

I created a brand new page with the same settings and it doesn't work either.

Is anyone else seeing this?  How do I get this sorted out with AT?  TIA!

Hi Ashley—thank you so much for flagging this! Are you still experiencing this behavior today? If so, please feel free to report this as a bug to Support or let me know here, and we'll gladly take a closer look with you.

Hi Ashley—thank you so much for flagging this! Are you still experiencing this behavior today? If so, please feel free to report this as a bug to Support or let me know here, and we'll gladly take a closer look with you.

Hi, I am actually still having this problem!  I also just found out I'm having major surgery, so getting this fixed by Thursday of this week is now more urgent than ever.

What do you need from me to take a look?  The issue is happening in an Interface I've built for our team.
