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When using automated emails, I'd like to be able to include a URL that opens the expanded "record detail" view within an interface. Ideally, I'd be able to create a formula for this. However, I only seem to be able to do this if the record detail is "full screen" rather than "side screen." 

I know there is an individual URL for each expanded detail view in the Interface, because I can select the interlocking icon to copy the Record URL. However, I cannot find a way to get these URLs using a formula. I am using the list view. Any ideas? 

Recent updates have made it possible to get URLs to Record details in the interface.

Airtable - Airtable Updates

The description says that the URL can be obtained by automation, but if you understand the URL structure, you can generate URLs with Formula fields as well. Interface App ID(app~) / Page ID(pag~) / Record ID(rec~) ?tableId= Table ID(tbl~)

I don't know what the function of the optional table ID is, but it seems fine without it. Interface App ID(app~) / Page ID(pag~) / Record ID(rec~)


@Sho Do you know how to also add in based on specific "Drop Down" selection" that is pre-set in the interface to this formula - let's day based on a specific user? I tried adding in a switch function on the formula itself to only show records for this user, but it didn't seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

@KDMcKinneyWe have developed a form that can be integrated with Airtable. This form provides a formula URL that enables users to access and expand their records, which could be beneficial in your situation, even if it is not an exactly an interface feature.
