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Hi everyone! I'm trying to create automations such as emails and Slack messages to send reminders to my team to update certain projects (records) in a project management interface. When we were using data mode, I simply linked to the Record URL in the body of the message in the automation. Is there a way to link to a specific project/record in the record review layout? Or perhaps in the record summary layout?

Here's a link to the video I sent to customer support. I haven't heard back from them and they suggested posting here.

thanks! Megan

Hi @Megan_Lask!

Yes, this is possible 🙂 To create an interface link for a given record, take a peek at the last bit of the interface URL in your video. The "rec" prefix before the gibberish tells us it's a record ID.

You can construct your interface URLs for each record the same way as before by creating a formula field with your interface URL minus the rec part & RECORD_ID(), like:


"" & RECORD_ID()


Hope that helps!

I replied before finishing your video (oops!) and now see that you already knew the part about the rec ID in the URL. I think what you actually might be looking for here is the formula piece that lets you generate this URL as a standalone field in your base so that it can be referenced in your automation.

Please let me know if that helps.


Thank you Stephen! This is exactly what I needed : ) 

It works but it reload the whole page which is totally not optimized for a simple tab switch.

Please add real interface tabs!


Thank you all for support.
