Context. End user tool to help filter many products to a manageable few, filtered by users' selected constraints. They can then drill into detail (data sheet attachment column) and ideally, select a subset of filtered products to get more info on.
Single table. ~400 products. 8-10 attributes any of which may or may not be selected/filter-constrained by user.
*Dynamic filter: from I figured out how to collate filters ( ..airtable form URL....?filter_sensitivity=presence&filter_colour=silver&filter_mount=wall
Current thinking (please guide/correct me):
1) Customer (on mobile) clicks through to form (imagine 10 drop down (attribute) boxes, appropriately labelled)
2) Submit/Find button generates dynamic URL from user selection which filters shared grid view *(above)
A) My understanding is Airtable is unable to generate dynamic URL from a form submit button (I'd prefer not to use miniExtensions just for this.... google forms? alternative form?)
3) Product subset (filtered grid view link) already looks great and image of (attachment) data sheet displays well, and drills into pdf nicely...this bit is "showtime ready"... HOWEVER
B) I'd like to have the potential customer 'edit' a checkbox to select a *final* subset of products. Final /manual selection / editing is an issue to overcome. Showstopper for Airtable?
4) Was looking at embedding above shared link into another form (Google?) so there are 2 buttons: [1] call support [2] request more info , though the user-checkbox issue above remains unresolved.
While this feels like a simple requirement and I'd prefer not to have to use yet another product, it seems like Airtable is not the right product for this? Alternatives? (I can export data and *not* use Airtable for this point solution) miniExtensions? Stacker? Google? other? @Hannah_Wiginton (Hannah just found your post on On2Air forms, which I'll look into now)
Thanks in advance