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We are building massive 3D printers (3000x5000x2000mm) to 3d print emergency shelters for Green Camps that serve as pop-up BnBs and eco-retreats for our regenerative programs (reforestation festival, Dhamma retreats etc) - we also want to 3D print our shelters for refugee camps and people who really need shelter, equiping them with massive printers and teaching them how to print from waste plastics. We are just about to launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money to buy the 3D printer and enough bio-materials to print our first prototype structures here in the UK.

I have built our site and would like a memberstack integration (already drafted here and would like it that when people signup on the different tiers of membership that their “account” (airtable entry) reflect the number of nights stay their membership has earned. £30 a month membership earns one night stay a month. £50 membership earns two nights stay a month. We also need it so that people can just buy nights stays without becoming a subscribing member (they still have their data captured (email, name, location etc) and become a free member) but the numbers of nights that they have pre-ordered are stored on an airtable.

Then we would like it that for each nights stay a code is generated that can be used to book nights stay using the accommodation and room booking system we are using. So you are basically redeeming vouchers that offer 100% discount on each night of stay. Bookinglayer has such a voucher system and their developers are working on a Zapier integration and are keen to talk on the phone with our Zapier / Webflow / Airtable developer.

Ideally each member would have a new member profile created that shows their “account”: the number of nights they have available in their account and their “contributions”: the number of nights they have contributed (ordered or used) against the total number of nights contributed by all members. I would also like to gather other “contributions made” by staff and thereby measure their contributions as part of awarding shares to our staff based on these contributions.

The system I hope to create is that the more you contribute to your local Green Camp by coming to stay, inviting your friends, joining in our regenerative programs, hosting our regenerative programs, working at the camp: then the more you earn a share in the company that owns the lands of the camps. Thus, the more you come and contribute to the regeneration of the land and community at Green Campus, the more you actually become a shareholder and owner of it.


Trust you’re keeping good.

Surely, we can assist you on your requirements.

Please Reach me on my Email-


