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I’m trying to create a few tables that would allow me to keep some information hidden from a client, while still allowing them to collaborate as fully as possible.

Am looking to pay someone for a few hours work to make this happen…don’t anticipate it will be too complicated but it’s just more than I can figure out.

Happy to chat more about the details if you’re interested.


Hi Owen I’d love to help you out with this… happy to email on or Skype if you prefer? Looking forward to fearing further about the project but it does sound feasible as you say.

If you’d like more info see here

Hi Owen,

Sounds like something that I could help you out on.

You can reach me on

Best Wishes,


I’m Freelance Front-end developer and i’m selling consultant service and assistance about airtable here on fiverr : https:

I can help you with this complicated workflow using the airtable API.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on fiverr or by email :

