Hmm, this seems fairly straightforward. What issues did you encounter during setup?
Hmm, this seems fairly straightforward. What issues did you encounter during setup?
I can add a task to sprints, and multiple tasks to a sprint, ans also add a task to multiple sprints. The problem only is that every tasks have a fixed amount of subtasks (about 10) that I want to add to sprints. So 1 tasks exists in multiple sprints with different subtasks. For example: Task1-Design in sprint 22, Task1-Development in sprint 23 and Task1-Deploy in sprint 24. Hope this clarifies. Thanks!
@Marksteady It sounds to me like your Tasks are your "WHAT you're going to accomplish", your subtasks are your "HOW you're going to complete your task" and your sprints are your "WHEN you're going to complete these things". The structure I would probably opt for is something like what I show below, where you have a table of sprints, a table of tasks and a table for subtasks. Subtasks are linked to the Sprints they occur in and AND the Task they are associated with. Then, I'd lookup (or more accurately, rollup, the names of the tasks from the subtasks that are in each Sprint on the Sprint table, thereby displaying all the of the tasks that are associated with a Sprint. Finally, if there is a standard set of sub-tasks that go with every task, I would probably have an automation auto-generate all of the subtasks for a task when I create it and then I would manually assign the subtasks to the sprints where they will be accomplished. Hope this is food for thought.

@Marksteady It sounds to me like your Tasks are your "WHAT you're going to accomplish", your subtasks are your "HOW you're going to complete your task" and your sprints are your "WHEN you're going to complete these things". The structure I would probably opt for is something like what I show below, where you have a table of sprints, a table of tasks and a table for subtasks. Subtasks are linked to the Sprints they occur in and AND the Task they are associated with. Then, I'd lookup (or more accurately, rollup, the names of the tasks from the subtasks that are in each Sprint on the Sprint table, thereby displaying all the of the tasks that are associated with a Sprint. Finally, if there is a standard set of sub-tasks that go with every task, I would probably have an automation auto-generate all of the subtasks for a task when I create it and then I would manually assign the subtasks to the sprints where they will be accomplished. Hope this is food for thought.

@Leslie_Burke that sounds like the right direction. Could you elaborate a bit more specifically what you mean with this? "Subtasks are linked to the Sprints they occur in and AND the Task they are associated with. Then, I'd lookup (or more accurately, rollup, the names of the tasks from the subtasks that are in each Sprint on the Sprint table, thereby displaying all the of the tasks that are associated with a Sprint."
Below an image of this situation. How would I get the unique Task + Subtask rollup?

Hi Mark,
It looks like a few people have shared ways to accomplish your goal. If you continue to need support and would like someone to create the workflow, I would be more than happy to help.
Khalid Mughal |
Hi Mark,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as what you are wanting done is within my skillset
You can reach out to me on my email here