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We are looking to hire an Airtable expert to create a solution for integrating our data and processes into one place. We are a Fine Art Gallery using an inventory management software, CRM Software and various Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. We would like to determine if Airtable is the right database to import all of our data and images and documents to function as our inventory management and crm functions, including consignments, sales, quotations, price sheets, digital catalogues, contact management and segmentation.

Hi Lee,

This sounds like an exciting opportunity and something that is well within my area expertise.

I would definitely be happy to help you out on this.

Feel free to reach out to me on

Best Wishes,


Hi @Lee_Siegelson,

I would love to discuss this opportunity with you in greater detail. I bring a well diversified background that would be a perfect fit for you. Email and we’ll schedule something right away.

Best regards,


LinkedIn networking welcome

Hi @Lee_Siegelson,

I guess I could help you with a specialized viewpoint from the Arts field. I am working on a number of art/media/research projects for government and industry demands.

Let me know if you still need help at

All the best

