Our nonprofit research project needs someone who can create an app for AirTable that consists of an interactive, georeferenced map of medieval cemeteries that associates specific graves on the map with entries in AirTable.
We are compiling a database using AirTable with over 100 cemeteries and several thousand individual graves with detailed archaeological, isotopic and genomic data.
Previously, the archaeologists we work with had been using a database called Thanados, which is good for visual examination of individual graves and their properties, but is extremely time consuming to enter data, limited on how one can do complex Boolean searches of the data, and useless for any statistical manipulations. It does however have one killer feature that AirTable lacks: it has integrated a map like Google Maps onto which one can place the map of a cemetery and then designate each grave. When one clicks on a specific grave ID in the database, it illuminates where the grave is on the map, and vice versa: clicking on a grave on the map highlights the grave in the database. It also allows simple Boolean searches (all of the female graves, for example), that then highlight all of the graves on the map. We really need such a function in AirTable.
To show what we would like to be able to do, it is easiest to look at the Thanados web site. For example, one of the more complete cemeteries in that database is Thunau Obere Holzwiese. Here is a link to the interactive map: https://thanados.net/map/50505
Our intention is to preserve the functions currently in Thanados, but to enhance them so that filters and groupings in AirTable can also appear on the map of a cemetery.
The specifics of what we would like to be do are as follows:
- We require that the code is open-source.
- Mapbox or google API communicating with Airtable database (in REACT.js)
- User input of a cemetery map that would overlay geographical map
- The cemetery map georeferenced (user inputs 2 points)
- Digitalization of graves in AirTable and/or GIS data import (shapefile/geojson), the resulting polygon to be associated with grave ID in the database (and to all the data associated with that grave e.g. grave picture)
- The map is interactive - selecting a grave/a site in the map selects it in the database and vice versa
- Allow for visualisation based on filters in the database (hierarchical?)
- Allow for visualisation of certain features in different colours.
- Allow for data export in shapefile/geojson
- Allow for more graves to be selected on the map at the same time
- The resulting map should be accessible to other websites dynamically or statically
- Made map can be outputted in high quality (wysiwyg)
- Allow for switching off/on of the cemetery map in the visualisation
- Selecting a grave/a site zooms to it automatically