Hi Michael,
I can help you get this resolved! Would you be available to schedule a call with me so we can discuss details?
Hi Michael,
This sounds like something well within my area of expertise and I would be able help you out on this.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
I responded to you via PM — but according to the message I received from Discourse (the forum software),
Multiple community members flagged this post before it was hidden
Somehow I doubt this.
I’m also told I can edit my message to you after a 10-minute waiting period — but, frankly, I’ve never been able to guess what word, term, or emoji has gotten Discourse’s, um, software in a twist, and trying and failing seemingly slams one’s post into a deeper circle of Discourse heck. Presumably, at some point today a moderator will OK my PM to you – but if not, PM me back and I’ll try again.