We have a very large Google Sheet document that we want to translate to Airtable for a better user experience for a sheet we will be releasing on VPN.com.
Our Google Sheet has more than 400 columns and 600 rows, so you will need to know your way around prepping, working with and organizing large amounts of data.
Most of the data has been scrubbed and formatted so your main responsibility will be bringing it to life from a navigation, linking, color, answer formatting, grouping and Airtable experience standpoint.
In addition to this very large sheet, we have several slightly smaller sheets that we will need linked to our main Airtable base as well.
I am looking for someone to help us with this very quickly as we are under a tight timeline. If you are a good fit, teammate and enjoyable to work with I can deliver a lot of ongoing work as well.
Ideal Requirements
- Native English Speaker
- Someone in US or Canada - we are on ET time
- Someone who loves linking, grouping, and making Airtables ROCK!
Willing to offer hourly or flat rate contract.
Thank you and I can disclose more details about the project to those who respond with qualified interest.
Email me at michael@vpn.com if this is something of interest.