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Unable to find an all in one solution to manage our middle term rental company in Spain two years ago we decided to create an Airtable base to do it directly. However, we are not programmers and we need assistance to transform it into a real ERP.

We are looking for a programmer capable to set up our base with our missing functionalities to continue working with him/her on a monthly basis for maintenance purposes. 

What do we have?

  • A base of linked very detailed tables of: property owners, clients/guests, leads, properties, rentals, suppliers, property expenses, tasks, etc. 
  • Occupancy calendar
  • Team task and cleaning management module
  • Rental contracts templates
  • Connection of our portfolio to our website (needs improvement)

What are we missing? 

  • To be able to convert the rentals into invoices
  • To be able to send contracts to owners and have them signed digitally through connection with adobe sign
  • Proper dashboard with essential kpi
  • Connection of property base and occupancy calendar to rental platforms: AirBnb, homeaway, booking, etc.
  • Online payment through connection with stripe?? If possible

We are looking for a long term professional relation. If interested, please contact us. If you Spanish it is a plus but we can manage otherwise.

Email to or call +34 620872401

This is our website if you want to know us further:

  • To be able to convert the rentals into invoices
    • Use Google Docs template to create invoices (1-2 hours)
    • Use Stripe API via Make to create invoices and send them to the tenant in one go. (4-5 hours)


  • To be able to send contracts to owners and have them signed digitally through connection with adobe sign
    • adobe sign is a bit tricky, but you may create contracts again using a Google Docs template and Make, and send it via Docusign (only as I've worked with it and know the level of complexity), then track the signing of it and send reminders, if needed. (4-5 hours, + 2-3 hrs for Adobe Sign)


  • Proper dashboard with essential kpi
    • I've seen different beliefs of what essential KPIs are for various Airtable users, unfortunately, with Airtable, it boils down to the base design. If it is well designed, you should be able to get decent dashboard. (2-10 hours)


  • Connection of property base and occupancy calendar to rental platforms: AirBnb, homeaway, booking, etc.
    • this one might be a bit tricky, but with proper API keys and access, quite possible. (10-20 hours)


  • Online payment through connection with stripe?? If possible
    • If you created invoice in Stripe, then this is done, (else 4-5 hours)

Set 20-30% additional time to build to spend in troubleshooting, training and handover, and additional 20-30% for scope creep.


Here's my Link, in case you wanna talk about it.

If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as I am an experienced Airtable consultant.
You can reach out to me on my email here

Hi , 

I read your post in detail for the missing elements/ features expected. 

So, please check inbox for email sent regarding feature to be developed.

Looking forward to your response, get in touch ahead 

Have a nice day 





yo estoy construyendo un ERP para un cliente de EspaƱa. Te escribo por el correo mencionado para continuar.

