I have a Bikes table containing a form that collects bike details, either for bikes donated to a charity, or bikes that are repaired on behalf of customers by the charity. The view is linked to a Customer table.
On my form, the first field is a ‘Bike Type’ Single Select dropdown asking ‘Donation’ or ‘Repair’.
My Customer table contains a Multi Select field allowing me to specify whether the customer is a Donor, Service Customer, or both.
In this Customer table, I have created two view one that filters all ‘Donors’ and one that filters all ‘Service Customers’.
When I make a selection in the form field for the ‘Bike Type’ (point 2 above) for, say ‘Donation’, I’d like to show a field containing all the customers who are Donors from the Customer table. I have done this successfully. Happy days.
However, at this point I now need to add a second field for when ‘Repair’ is selected in step 2 above to then show all the ‘Service Customers’ from that View. This is not possible as it just added another field to my Bikes table.
In essence, I think I want to add the same field twice but using different Views. Perhaps there is something I’m not understanding. All help is hugely appreciated.