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  1. I have a Bikes table containing a form that collects bike details, either for bikes donated to a charity, or bikes that are repaired on behalf of customers by the charity. The view is linked to a Customer table.

  2. On my form, the first field is a ‘Bike Type’ Single Select dropdown asking ‘Donation’ or ‘Repair’.

  3. My Customer table contains a Multi Select field allowing me to specify whether the customer is a Donor, Service Customer, or both.

  4. In this Customer table, I have created two view one that filters all ‘Donors’ and one that filters all ‘Service Customers’.

When I make a selection in the form field for the ‘Bike Type’ (point 2 above) for, say ‘Donation’, I’d like to show a field containing all the customers who are Donors from the Customer table. I have done this successfully. Happy days.

However, at this point I now need to add a second field for when ‘Repair’ is selected in step 2 above to then show all the ‘Service Customers’ from that View. This is not possible as it just added another field to my Bikes table.

In essence, I think I want to add the same field twice but using different Views. Perhaps there is something I’m not understanding. All help is hugely appreciated.

I’m now wondering if two different forms is simply the solution. Not as interesting but at least it’ll work!

I’m now wondering if two different forms is simply the solution. Not as interesting but at least it’ll work!

Yeah you’ve hit the nail on the head on this one. Two forms would be the cleanest solution

As far as I know, there’s no way to conditionally select the view that you want to limit the options from I’m afraid
