Hello all, I would love some advice on a function I am experimenting with. I’m trying to build a system where I can generate student progress reports for a private high school by leveraging linked records and the “Pages” block.
In my experiment I have three tables: Student List, Course List, Grades (see below).
The Student List is linked to the Course List. I can “enroll” students in courses with the linked record, which allows me to display their courses on a “Page” block, which will generate progress reports (below).
The tricky part comes in with GRADES. In my third table I have student grades, where a teacher could input grades using a form. The “Course List” field is linked to the course list table (so teachers can select the course), and the “Student Name” is linked to the Student table (so teachers can select the student). The grade is the catch. If I lookup grades in any other table, it displays grades for ALL linked records in the class.
What I’d really like is a linked record that pulls in the grade contingent upon the Course it is assigned to (so I can put it in the linked record table in the block, which is AWESOME, Airtable!) In the image below, you can see that my record linking pulls in ALL grades for the linked course, irrespective the student name (below)
Any suggestions out there?!