Probably only relevant to Airtable users operating out of India, but any helpful perspectives from others would be much appreciated.
For the last few months, all of my payments towards Airtable invoices have failed due to new regulations by the Reserve Bank of India requiring compliance to a bunch of new rules that I'm guessing Airtable is having trouble with. (You can read more details about this here:
This is exacerbated to some extent because payment partners that specialise with dealing with this sort of thing in India like Razorpay have not been onboarding new clients due to instructions by the Reserve Bank.
So far we've gotten by, by contacting support every month, being reassured by them that their engineers are working on a fix, and them kindly voiding our invoice to allow us to extend our usage by a month.
This month, I get a response from Airtable that their engineers have failed to develop a fix, and they can not continue to extend our usage, and that the only solution is to use a card that is issued outside of India. As a purely Indian business, we have absolutely no way to do this. I'm now faced with the gruelling prospect of transitioning our entire business process to another platform, and rebuilding all of the auxiliary apps that we've used Airtable for so far. This is potentially months of work, and downtime of our existing apps if we aren't offered some lenience with billing as we transition.
I'm writing here to source input for any ideas that I have not considered. There has to be another Indian business that's in the same boat as me who's facing the same issue and dealing with it successfully. Has anyone here managed to pay their invoices using an Indian card successfully post implementation of the new RBI rules? Please tell me there's a painfully obvious solution that I am missing.