Heard back from support again today, and it’s not good news.
They apologized for being the bearer of bad news, but apparently the decision to only give us three weeks to change to the new plans was a deliberate one. They made it sound like they had attempted to get the product team to change their mind on this (which makes this feel like a rather disjointed company) but in the end, the product team decided to tell us all to take our multi-source syncs and API calls and shove them right up our asses.
Here’s the thing I don’t get: in my case, the biggest issue we have is the lack of multi-source syncing. Support basically said, “well, just sync multiple tables and use linked records, you fking dummie.” But like, that obviously doesn’t result in any less syncs running on the backend (or reduced compute costs) so really, the only reason to make us change it all up in two weeks now is, I guess, spite?
Airtable really did just tell us all to get fked. There isn’t a whole lot I regret more than spending the last four years building in and advocating for this platform.
So, what are you all switching to, and why?