Dear Community,
I am looking for an elegant way to streamline and automate a quiet simple process:
After someone makes an order in my Shopify shop, the order data should go out automatically to my manufacturer. It should not go out via Email, but rather be stored in something like an order management system or project management / spreadsheet tool like Airtable, where the manufacturer also has a convenient overview of the orders.
The thing is: I want the manufacturer to see only certain attributes of the order (like personalized text on the sign, or color of the product) and not all the info like price etc.
And then, the manufacturer is supposed to somehow tag the order as “shipped”, so that the customer gets and automated email that the order is on its way.
It is pretty simple, but practically its not quiet easy to realize. For example, Line Items from Shopify do not come out in Airtable. I already read that there is a workaround for this, but it is quiet complicated. Has someone tried it I guess it is also not convinient to lock the view of certain attributes depending on the user role.
I just would like to know what is your experience in automating this kind of workflow, originating from Shopify. Maybe someone already has made an experience : Thanks!