Hello everyone !
I am sharing with you a « funny » problem that keeps my neurons busy and now depressed. If only I could :
- Create a form where a Roll up could be displayed as a Single Select in a form
- Select existing records through a form & update them
My team wants to schedule committees, composed of 8 timeslots (2 committees / month).
We need people to book a timeslots to present their topic (among available ones of course).
We want to open the booking on a quarterly basis.
The Committee Table is configured as follow :
gDate] Field : Date Primary
gSingle Select] Field : Timeslot (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
gSingle Select] Field : State (Blank, Requested, Planned, Confirmed)
gText] Field : Requester
gText] Field : Topic
The table view is grouped by Date for the team to easily see the agenda of each committee.
A requester :
- Finds a “date / slot” combo (aka state is blank)
- Blocks an available slot by :
- Leaving his name
- Notifying the topic
- The update of the state from “Blank” to “Requested” would be automated.
I am stuck… anyone with a good idea?