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Just for fun I thought about using Airtable as a journal for my bread baking, so that I’ll maybe improve and learn something over time. It’s easy to set up a basic table where I have ingredients as a long text, flour, water and yeast content as number, a rating column and so on…

But, to make it more interesting I thought I could link the bread table with an ingredients table, where I store data for each ingredient, so that I could get nutritional data for each bread I make, according to how much of each ingredient I use. Also I could pull out information on how much I use in total of the different ingredients.

The problem is that I cannot find a way to do this so that I, in the bread table, assign a quantity to each linked ingredient in the ingredients table. Is this even possible in Airtable?

Do anybody have any ideas on this? Help would be appreciated.

Hi Thomas have you explored the “Count” and “Rollup” field types? Pretty powerful - I am linking around 30 tables in one of my bases which all calculate using each other’s numbers.

Happy to help if you can give an example?

Alright, thanks. I’ll post something after I tried that.

I’m curious to know how you resolved this…

Hi @Valentin_GUENICHON

I solved it by using 3 tables in the bread base: a bread table, an ingredients table and a raw material table.

The bread table is linked to the ingredients table, and the ingredients table is linked to the raw materials table. I used lookup and rollup to fetch information between the tables.

The raw material contains all the different flours and seeds I use, together which information about weight, volume to weight ratio (since I use cups when I measure the quantity of flour), brand, energy/100g and price per kilo.

The ingredients table contains all the ingredients used in each spesific bread. An ingredient is a raw material in a certain quantity, i.e. 3 cups of white wheat flour. I also pull into that table some information from the raw materials table to be able to calculate weight and price of each ingredient. I group the table based on which bread each ingredient belongs to. easy see a recipe.

The bread table is a list of all the breads I make. Most of the information in that table is gathered from the ingredients table (total price, weight, energy), but it also contains information such as cooking time and cooking temperature, a comment and a rating, and a photo.

In the end I didn’t really use the base so much, but maybe I will if I start to experiment more with different breads…

Here are screenshots of the tables (They are all in norwegian…):

Bread table:

Ingredients table:

Raw materials table:

Tell me if you would like to know more about the rollup functions and formulas…

