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As you can see from my screenshot, I have a weird behaviour with my formula. It converts 2019 into 2020 for an unknown reason… Here is my formula to calculate the number of days between the download of an App and the moment where a user make a specific action. As you can see, sometimes, the user made this action multiple times, so I must use an other formula to get only the first 10 characters so I can compute it with the download date…

FirstCallDateSingle : DATETIME_PARSE(LEFT(CONCATENATE(FirstCallLookup),10),‘AAAA-MM-DD’)

DeltaInscriptionVsFirstCall : DATETIME_DIFF(FirstCallDateSingle, { 📆 Created At​✍t2:}, ‘days’) & " Jours"

Try using 'YYYY-MM-DD' as your format specifier for the DATETIME_PARSE function. The character A in the format specifier is used to specify AM/PM in a time, not the year.

Try using 'YYYY-MM-DD' as your format specifier for the DATETIME_PARSE function. The character A in the format specifier is used to specify AM/PM in a time, not the year.

Ho my god… Thank you so much. I fell dumb now I see the problem…
