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Hi, I'm unable to upload multiple images to record templates - keeps giving me an error. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Yeap, I'm getting the same error!  I found a weird workaround though: if you upload multiple attachments the first time, it appears to work fine, so perhaps you can do that until this gets fixed?  The error only appears when we add attachments the second time or something

I've submitted a bug report about it so hopefully it gets addressed soon!

Yeap, I'm getting the same error!  I found a weird workaround though: if you upload multiple attachments the first time, it appears to work fine, so perhaps you can do that until this gets fixed?  The error only appears when we add attachments the second time or something

I've submitted a bug report about it so hopefully it gets addressed soon!

I'm glad to know I'm not the only person it's happening to! Thanks for your response. I noticed that too with uploading all of them at first - noticed though that I can't remove any images from it so have to be super careful 😕😕 Hope it gets fixed soon!
