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I spent the last several days reviewing each of the videos posted on your website and I am very interested in moving my work from SmartSheet to Airtable however, I’ve been unsuccessful in building invoices. To give a quick summary, I work with 30+ different organizations for 3+ academic programs. I have to track their contributions across each of these programs by different contribution categories (Labor, materials, equipment, other).

Specifically, what I liked about SmartSheet was that in a sheet, I can populate all of the necessary components and have the “Dashboard” only show information that met certain criteria (i.e. auto-populate data if the Company name is “A”, Program is “Universal Media”, line item status is “Pending Submission”, etc.

Currently, in Airtable, I’ve used the “Link Record” feature but, I have to manually add each submission under the correct record in the new sheet versus, having it automatically populate. I hope my challenge is clear and that there is some way to overcome this.

Welcome to the community, @Ronald_Nelson_Jr! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: Could you describe what you’re trying to achieve in greater detail? If you’re able to share screenshots as well, that would give us a more clear picture of your base design.

On a side note, you said (emphasis added):

Just to be clear, this is a user community forum, not an official support resource. While Airtable staff do pop in now and then, the vast majority of us are fellow users.
