I am trying to create an airtable with resources, rate, jobs no. quantity, amount and total.
To do this I have created a master of inventory type with rate against each item.
Eg: Small Carton $ 5, Large Carton $10 etc.
Now I want to use that data for different jobs numbers. In each job i want to track the different types of resources used, quantity used, cost of each resources and total cost of resources used for each job.
Eg: Job no. 50 -
Small Carton $5 x Quantity 2 = $ 10
Large Carton $10 x Quantity 2 = $ 20
Total Cost = $30
Eg: Job no. 51 -
Small Carton $5 x Quantity 1 = $ 5
Large Carton $10 x Quantity 2 = $ 20
Total Cost = $25
Eg: Job no. 52 -
Small Carton $5 x Quantity 0 = $ 0
Large Carton $10 x Quantity 2 = $ 20
Total Cost = $20
Could you please help.