I have two tables, one called Initiatives and one called Available resources.
The Initiatives table basically contains projects, each record having a series of fields among which Resource 1 man-days and Resource 2 man-days to indicate the workload to achieve the project, and a field Target delivery month that contains the wished-for delivery month.
The Available resources table contains 12 records, one per month, listing the available man-days for Resource 1 and Resource 2.
I am looking for a way to sum up the Resource X man-days records from Initiatives per month, so that I know my total month workload, and compare this to the values of the available man-days in my Available resources table.
I am somehow stuck on how to best achieve this - I am stuck at finding a way to “sum up numbers per month” but obviously without using the “Group by” feature because I need the resulting value in a usable field somewhere.
Any help much appreciated!