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I'm finding the Duplicate Field function to be very handy in building a form with a lot of repetitive fields (long story short, it has to be built this way or prospective users won't buy in), but I wish I could duplicate an entire Group. The only actions I can take on a Group are to delete it, change the permissions, change the appearance, set rules for visibility.

If only there was such an action as Group>Duplicate. Anyone know of a trick or extension? I can't find anything.

Also, does this seem like a thing that form-builders want to do? I haven't seen anyone asking for it anywhere else.

re: If only there was such an action as Group>Duplicate. Anyone know of a trick or extension? I can't find anything.

Not that I'm aware of I'm afraid.  Could try scripting something to help you with it the field creation maybe?  You'd still need to manually set up the form though

Hi @TheTimeSavingCo  thanks for sharing this information 

I would also find it extremely useful if this feature existed!
