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Hello All!

I am new to Airtable…I would like to use the Kanban view to write my email content; however, the order in which I want to write the copy is getting messed up with the ordering of the fields.

For example, in the Grid view I added a Preview Text field to the right of the Subject Line field. However, when I open in the Kanban view, the Preview Text field appears down towards the bottom.

Is there any way to rearrange the order of fields within the Kanban view?

For some reason, I’m not able to add screenshots or links here )-:

Thank you,


Yes you can (if I’m understanding what you’re asking).

In the Kanban view (not the card expanded view) click “Customize cards” and then note the drag handles on the right side of each field. You can drag them to reorder. This appears to reorder fields in both the Kanban column view as well as the card expanded views (regardless of whether they’re hidden in the column view).
