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Hi, I cannot download attachment files via windows app.

I can download via Web blowser like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

I could download files until today but I cannot today.

I uploaded tons of files yesterday. But is it related to this problem?

If somebody got same problems before and solved it, I would like to know how I can solve this problem.

We're having the same issue at our company. It seems like they broke functionality with the last update 1.6.1 when they changed around the UI of the file attachments.

We're having the same issue at our company. It seems like they broke functionality with the last update 1.6.1 when they changed around the UI of the file attachments.

Thank you very much for your comment.

Although I am relieved that this problem is not only my problem, this bug is critical for me.

Hope this problem will be solved with the next update as soon as possible.

Does anyone have any updates on this?

Does anyone have any updates on this?

It works in current version 1.6.2.

You can download files via windows APP without any problem if you could update version.

Cannot Download via MAC airtable App

Cannot Download via MAC airtable App

I have evrsion 

I have version 1.6.3
