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Chrome has started thinking every field in Airtable is a password field and pops up the 'Do you want to save this password?' after I finish typing in any field. It is very annoying!

It is also preventing me from choosing a date in a date field because it pops up the 'create a strong password' right on top of the calendar and I can't click on anything!

I've tried Googling for instructions for how to block the password autofill/offer to save on just one site, but can't find instructions exactly. 

Is anyone else having this issue? As far as I know, I didn't change anything about Chrome, this just started happening. 

Yes, also here with Chrome. Disabling auto-save passwords in chrome is not an option for me; I use that too often. 

Same! Hoping for a fix soon.

Hi everyone. Had the same problem and I found a fix that worked for me. 

Open a new tab on Chrome and go to chrome://flags/

Search "password generation experiment" and set it to disabled

Hit "Relaunch" button

That seemed to work for me, hope it works for you too !

Thanks a lot! It helps to hide suggestion in dates, but still stays in search bar, that is not so ennoying.

Same here. It's beyond annoying.

Having the same issue. It just started for the first time today. Have any resolutions been released?


Yep, a problem for me as well, happening for weeks now. I'll try the "Password Generation Experiment disabled" fix and in the meantime, hope that Airtable figures out what they broke.

Yeah, it has been happening to me for a while too. I figured this strange glitch/bug would get resolved eventually but we should definitely ping the devs to have a look. If we get enough attention to it they'll fix it rather quickly I imagine. Does anyone know how to ping the devs??

I'm having the same problem.

I've noticed that the "auto-generate password" suggestion appears in places where it shouldn't in various services.

Also, I believe this problem has been present since Google Chrome v118. When I tried using Google Chrome beta version: 119.0.6045.33 (Official Build) beta, the auto-generate password suggestion no longer appeared. Using the beta version of Chrome may be a temporary solution for some.


Super annoying bug. 

I checked and didn't find a way to contact support. Probably need to ask one of the premium users..

I am turning off OFFER SAVE PASSWORDS and then turning it on when I am finished.

Encouraging email from support:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It looks like this is connected to a related bug that our engineering team is actively working on resolving it. It has come to our attention that this bug is also affecting other customers as well, and we want to assure you that resolving this is our top priority. 

While our team is working diligently on resolving the bug, we recommend the following workaround that may help you in the interim: 

  1. Disable password saving in your Chrome browser settings: 
  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • At the top right, click Profile 






    • If you can't find the Passwords icon, at the top right of your screen, click More 




       Google Password Manager.
  • On the left, click Settings.
  • Turn Offer to save passwords on or off.

In addition to this, you may also try the following workaround to mitigate the issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache: Instructions here. ?
  2. Try with a different web browser like Safari/Edge/Firefox. 
  3. Ensure your browser is up to date.
  4. Try using incognito or private browsing.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to resolve this bug


Hi everyone. Had the same problem and I found a fix that worked for me. 

Open a new tab on Chrome and go to chrome://flags/

Search "password generation experiment" and set it to disabled

Hit "Relaunch" button

That seemed to work for me, hope it works for you too !

thank you Lucas! That worked for me. 

does not work for me.

i've changed fields from being "single line text" to "long text". Now i'm not bothered anymore


Best solution so far. Annoying Chrome, thinking any text field is a password 😠

Having the same issue here with multiple users! @atsupport 


This is not a chrome issue. it is happening to me in many browsers and operating systems. While the data view seems to be resolved today, I am still getting an issue with the interfaces. I have a filter at top that normally stays blank but it now autofills my email address into this unrelated filter. This then filters out all the records.

does not work for me.

i've changed fields from being "single line text" to "long text". Now i'm not bothered anymore


This wasn't happening 2 days ago. Now it happens on each field unless I change from single line text to long line.  Thanks for the suggestion

Actually glad to see it ISN'T just me! This is really very disruptive!

Just adding my voice here in hopes that I'll get notified when there is a solution to this problem. I've tried to contact support and can't seem to do so anymore - I just get sent around in circles by a bot. This issue's making it really hard to work in Airtable! 

does not work for me.

i've changed fields from being "single line text" to "long text". Now i'm not bothered anymore


this fixed it for me, too, but I hope they fix it for real sometime soon!

Also adding my voice to say how annoying it is! I too use Chrome's password manager too often for that to be a convenient workaround and the turning off the 'experiment' didn't work for me. Hope they find a solution as it's becoming too frustrating to use!

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but here's our workaround in case it's helpful:

In Chrome disable passwords just for  Chrome won't offer to remember them for airtable, but still will for everything else. 

To log into airtable without a password, use the "sign in with Google" option if it's available to you.  If it's not, at least airtable is the only site that will require a manual login.  

Hello! I found a solution! If you go to your Google Password Manager, then to Settings, turn off "Offer to Save Passwords."

Unfortunately, this also disables the pop-up to save a password when you're actually logging into something. So, you'll have to go to Passwords Manager, then Passwords, and click "Add" if you want to save a new password. Or turn it off if you're working in Airtable for awhile and turn it back on when you're done.

You can get to Password Manager by clicking the 3 dots in the top right of Chrome, then click "Passwords and Autofill," the click "Google Password Manager."

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but here's our workaround in case it's helpful:

In Chrome disable passwords just for  Chrome won't offer to remember them for airtable, but still will for everything else. 

To log into airtable without a password, use the "sign in with Google" option if it's available to you.  If it's not, at least airtable is the only site that will require a manual login.  

How are you turning off passwords for just airtable? I use "sign in with Google" for my airtable login, but use the password manager on too many other things to fully disable it, as the workaround suggests - but if I can specify it for just airtable, maybe this can stop happening!

How are you turning off passwords for just airtable? I use "sign in with Google" for my airtable login, but use the password manager on too many other things to fully disable it, as the workaround suggests - but if I can specify it for just airtable, maybe this can stop happening!

Here's what we did (Windows 10):

  1. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome window
  2. Passwords and autofill
  3. Google Password manager
  4. Search for "airtable" and click on the record that comes up
  5. Enter Windows password 
  6. Click delete
  7. Go back to an airtable grid view
  8. Enter some text in a blank cell (ignore the popup to generate a random password if it appears)
  9. Click another cell to save the text in the airtable cell
  10. Hopefully there's a popup offering to save that password in Chrome
  11. Click "Never"

Maybe there's a simpler way, but that worked for us.  Good luck!

Hi everyone. Had the same problem and I found a fix that worked for me. 

Open a new tab on Chrome and go to chrome://flags/

Search "password generation experiment" and set it to disabled

Hit "Relaunch" button

That seemed to work for me, hope it works for you too !

This didn't work for me. Instead it just crashed / reset all my chrome browsers and some of my apps and then continued to ask me for the password. So don't recommend the EXPERIMENTS disable solution.
