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Hello again, cannot move over this problem 😦

the situation:

invoice comes, somebody writes to temp invoice 1 row = 1 product, can be many from 1 invoice

then smbdy fills same way the temp shipping note

somebody scans EANs (this info is not in this example table) in warehouse when the goods come = we know what product and what qty is in reality

what i want from airtable:

compare all items on same shipping note (in temporary) with the coresponding invoice, with the reality

we know the invoice nr and the shipping note

that means nr of products and qty in this step

then i wish to compare prices from invoice with the one in product

if there is any problem give me info where it is so i can resolve it.

seems to be easy, but its not for me (at least this time) - can use automations, make new colums…(i am owner of the db).

Thanks for answer or kick in right way :winking_face:

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