Hi there,
I’m new to the Airtable and absolutely love it so far!
However, there’s one task that I can’t seem to wrap my head around as it’s a bit difficult to understand the logic behind it, including the correct formulas/linking techniques needed.
I will explain it in simple terms:
Base: Baskets
Table 1: Basket 1
Table 2: Basket 2
Basket 1 contains:
- apple
- banana
- orange
- pear
Basket 2 contains:
- apple
- banana
- orange
Basket 2 to Basket 1 match is 75% (3 out of 4 fruit match).
I need to calculate and store the result in a record of Basket 2 table that says “75%” (percent field type) that basically means “Basket 2 matches 75% of Basket 1 contents”.
Please note that fields in each table are defined as text, not as numbers. So I will need to find the strings that are true for both tables and then calculate the match %.
I understand that some calculations, comparison and formulas have to be involved.
I just can’t seem to understand how to link Basket 1 to Basket 2 (or vice-versa), and how to calculate and further store the Match Result in the Basket 2 table. Like do I link the 1 to 2, or 2 to 1, etc.
Would you please guide me on how do I approach this problem and/or provide a somewhat appropriate solution?
This is the sample database with full creator rights. 75% was inserted manually.
P.S. If you need some additional details, I will happily provide them.
Thank you!