Hi there! I am having trouble finding an easy way to clean my base of deleted records from a source file.
I am using a base to monitor projects for an innovation program. Each project has an unique ID.
These projects come from exports from an external platform (CSV files). I then import the data into Airtable to manage these projects easily, very regularly.
However, if a project is deleted on the external platform (and thus does not appear in the “master” CSV file), I can’t find a way to delete it automatically in my Airtable base.
I can easily import new projects using the unique ID but I can’t really find a way to compare the “master” CSV file that I use for the import with my “slave” database in Airtable.
I would like to figure a way to detect (using the unique ID) the records that have been deleted from the “master” CSV file but are still present into my “slave” base.
Is this something that is feasible easily?
Thanks a lot for your help!