My table tracks publication start and end dates for various websites, and I need to determine the time between the previous record's end date with the next record's start date.
Site A's publication will be taken down on May 31, and the new one will go up on June 1.
Site B's publication will be taken down on May 31, and the new one will go up on June 6.
These require different processes ("turn this one off, wait some days, then turn the next one on" vs. "replace this one with the next one"), and I need to indicate which process should be followed.
Each publication has its own record in the table
Site A / Start Date: May 1 / End Date: May 31
Site A / Start Date: June 1 / End Date: June 30
Site B / Start Date: May 6 / End Date: May 31
Site B / Start Date: June 6 / End Date: June 30
How can I check to see if the Site's records are "back-to-back" dates? In this case, Site A records are back-to-back, while Site B has a five-day gap in between.
(I'm assuming this is going to have to involve creating another table - I'm fine with that, just need to know how to approach it.)