
Connecting a record in one base (equipment) to a number of listed parts in another base

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi Airtable users

I have a problem that I’m hoping you can help me with?

I have a base with equipment to be maintained. There are several hundred different makes and models in the list and several hundred of each of these makes and models. I have a second table that contains thousands of parts.
I would like to connect the parts in base 2 to the equipment in base 1. I would like to be able to choose a make and model in base 1 and be able to select items from the parts list (now only showing thie selected make and model parts) and click on the parts I need. It would be grat to pull in the part number and price from base 2 also.

I realise that my request may be hard to follow but if you can help, THANKS


1 Reply 1

Hello and welcome @John_Hyland!

To make sure I fully understand your situation- it sounds like you have several tables located in one base? If that is that situation, it sounds like using the linked record field would be the key. You could link certain parts to certain makes and models and then easily create filters whenever you’d need to see which parts work for the matching make and model.

For extra context, if you did need to pull information from one base to another base you can use Airtable Sync.

Let me know if I can help provide any more information, and if this helped answer your question please mark it as the solution :white_check_mark: .