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Greetings Everyone,

I would like to know if I can copy values from field to another field automatically without using formula or rollup.

I have attached the screenshot of my table for your ref. I need to copy the values from the original fields to the helper fields automatically.

Please advise.



Why won't formulas or rollups work? Are the helper fields in a different table or base from the originals? 

Regardless, you could build an automation for this... Assuming it's the same table, make a view only showing records where volume, revenue, and cost aren't empty. That's your automation trigger. When a record enters that view it updates to fill in those other fields with the original field information. Same thing would basically work for a different table in the same base, if it's different bases then you need a different approach. 

EDIT: You could cut out the view middle man and use "When record matches condition" too as the trigger

Why won't formulas or rollups work? Are the helper fields in a different table or base from the originals? 

Regardless, you could build an automation for this... Assuming it's the same table, make a view only showing records where volume, revenue, and cost aren't empty. That's your automation trigger. When a record enters that view it updates to fill in those other fields with the original field information. Same thing would basically work for a different table in the same base, if it's different bases then you need a different approach. 

EDIT: You could cut out the view middle man and use "When record matches condition" too as the trigger

I am trying to do the same thing. I need to put some computed values from one field into a text field in the same table, to pull into Jotform for a prefill. It should be easy as Jotform have introduced the feature (bizarrely under the publish menu) but despite several ways of trying, it will not map to computed fields.
My inteded workaround is to map it to a long text field which an automation would update with the value from the lookup field, triggered if the lookup field is not empty. On mapping the fields in the automation, Airtable greys out the lookup field reporting the same issue as occurred whilst trying to mp directly from Jotform, that the field cannot be used because it's computed.
I've spent a whole week on this. I've tried converting to text, using a string, an array, and concatenating, but of course, they all need computed fields to hold and reference them.

I am trying to do the same thing. I need to put some computed values from one field into a text field in the same table, to pull into Jotform for a prefill. It should be easy as Jotform have introduced the feature (bizarrely under the publish menu) but despite several ways of trying, it will not map to computed fields.
My inteded workaround is to map it to a long text field which an automation would update with the value from the lookup field, triggered if the lookup field is not empty. On mapping the fields in the automation, Airtable greys out the lookup field reporting the same issue as occurred whilst trying to mp directly from Jotform, that the field cannot be used because it's computed.
I've spent a whole week on this. I've tried converting to text, using a string, an array, and concatenating, but of course, they all need computed fields to hold and reference them.

Hmm, I haven't used JotForms pre-fill integrations with Airtable (I find Fillout much more flexible and powerful for this) so that's another variable, but right off I want to ask if you're using Lookup fields or if that's just what you're calling your computed value fields. You mentioned everything is in the same table, so then are you using internal table links? Anyhow, just for clarification...

I just tested a mini version of what I think you mean and got it to work fine... An automation can't change a lookup or formula field because it's computed, but it can reference those fields. I attached a screenshot of the mini version here in which the Addr 1 field is a lookup from another table. It fires when the Addr 1 field isn't empty, and then adds that plus ",looksee" to the record in a long text field titled "Notes".  
