Hi guys!
So, I’m trying to do something that feels WAY more complicated than it should be.
I have a view which groups records by week, then by type, then by status, and we use this as a dashboard to measure activity. However, we’d like a static report every Monday that summarises the counts in each of these dropdowns, otherwise we’ll need to manually ensure we check it every week and scrape the data on a Monday.
I’ve tried roll-ups and count fields, but the way the base is set up means having a linked field just for this adds an otherwise redundant step into our users’ day. Even just the ability to do a rollup of things tagged as “content type x” within the last week would be better than nothing, but it’s seemingly not possible.
It’s a long-term bug-bear of mine that it’s so weirdly hard to get record counts out of Airtable in an easy way, so any help would be appreciated.