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Hi Experts!

My goal is to create an image carousel in HTML/CSS to embed in a website in order to view the image uploaded in an attachment field for each record. Something like Airbnb image gallery. The number of photos may vary so it must be flexible.

I'm currently using Softr to display my item details in Airtable but the options to show images are poor and not very UX friendly. But I can embed code. I already do that with embedded YouTube videos and google maps.

Right now I'm thinking to build a html code + CSS iframe with that is feeded with Airtable attachments with the iterator block, and then copy to in a rich text field for each record, but I'll need a CSS HTML5 developer.

Any other ideas on how to implement this?

Thanks a lot for any suggestion!

Hi @Riccardo_Fabbri,

If you’re unhappy with Softr, have you checked out the other competing interface apps for Airtable that offer gallery views?

In my personal opinion, your 3 best options are Noloco, JetAdmin, and Glide.

JetAdmin is probably my favorite for sheer simplicity & user-friendliness, while Noloco is probably the most powerful & customizable one.

The CEO of Noloco gave a demonstration of his product on this Airtable podcast episode.

I also give a brief tutorial of Noloco on this Airtable podcast episode.

And I also presented a full one-hour webinar on Noloco called Building a Client Portal on Noloco powered by Airtable.

p.s. If you have a budget for your project and you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with any of this, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld 

Thanks for the reply @ScottWorld, I already experimented a bit with Noloco and Glide and they're not so focused on front end websites which is what my customer asks. Thanks for mentioning JetAdmin, I'll go take a look at it, maybe it'll help in the future.

I'll experiment with and HTML/CSS in order to solve this problem, I'll keep this thread updated if I find a nice solution to this issue.
